$500 Research Grants for Graduate and Undergraduate Students

The Psychotherapy Division of the American Psychological Association's (Division 29, the Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy) is excited to announce a $500 grant program for undergraduate and graduate students. Sentio University’s program director Dr. Tony Rousmaniere serves as the president of this APA Division. We are thrilled to support students in advancing the field of psychotherapy through these grants, which offer $500 awards that can be utilized for participant reimbursement, travel to conferences, research materials, and personnel costs. This unique partnership underscores our commitment to fostering research and professional growth in psychotherapy.

How can the money be used?

  • Participant Reimbursement

  • Travel to a conference

  • Research materials

  • Personal costs

Who is eligible?

  • 20 awards will be given to undergraduate students

  • 20 awards will be given to graduate students

  • Become a member of the Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy. If you are not already a member, graduate and undergraduate students can join through this link. Prior years of membership is not required and new members are encouraged to apply.

  • Have a faculty member or licensed psychologist able to supervise the research project

How to apply?

  • Join the Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy (FREE for students)

    • 500-1000 word award proposal including:

    • Study purpose, how it advances psychotherapy

    • Project methods, study

    timeline, and budget

Submission Deadlines:

May 15th, August 15th, November 15th

Contact Us

Mikaela Abundez

Director of Student Services



Schedule an appointment